Five advantages of Ring chain bucket elevator

Five advantages of ring chain bucket elevator:
1. Large transport capacity, compared with the TCHL Type Bucket Elevator with the same bucket width, transmission capacity increased nearly doubled.
2. Assembled sprocket wheel, both wheel and rim are linked with high strength bolt. After the sprocket wheel wear to a certain extent, you can change rim, easy to change and save materials, reduce the cost and maintenance costs.
3. The tail adopted heavy hammer lever type tension device, automatic pull can be realized. Once installed, it is not necessary to adjust, and can keep the constant tension force. To ensure the normal operation of the machine. Avoid slipping or taking off.
4. There are two types of TZ type and YY type of transmission device, YZ type using ZJ type reducer, YY type using ZSY, ZLY type reducer.
5. The traction component is a low alloy steel, high strength circular ring chain, after heat treatment, with high tensile strength, good wear resistance, long service life and so on.