How to select the vibrating screen types

Vibrating screen application field is very wide.It is used in food, medicine, chemical industry, building materials, etc.

The following vibrating screen manufacturers TC Machinery for you to explain how to select the vibrating screen type in detail .

Accurate selection of vibrating screen need to know the following aspects:
1.material name and characteristics
2. the use of purpose
3.handling capacity requirements
Different users, in many cases, the handling of the material requirements are also different, the user's demand is also an important reference for selection.
4.the mesh size
One of an important reference for the user to the screen mesh size is linear vibrating screen type and mesh screen large relative to small mesh is not easily over the screen mesh.
5.the proportion of screening materials
Accurately know the proportion of the thickness of the material, you can determine the rate of the material through the screen mesh.
Users only understand more than some of the basic requirements, to be more accurate calculation of the need for more vibration screen types and specifications.